Getting set up

You will need to sync the repo, install rvm (a tool for managing ruby installations) and then configure ruby for the wiki. This will only need to be done once to get the environment setup.

Sync the repo

Add the following line to your local manifests:

<project path="lineage_wiki" name="LineageOS/lineage_wiki" remote="github" revision="master" />

Then run repo sync lineage_wiki to actually sync the repo.

Install rvm

rvm is a great tool to isolate different usages of ruby from each other. During this setup, you will install ruby and a set of ruby modules (gems) which will be isolated from any other ruby use on the machine (now and in the future).

If you don’t have rvm already installed, go ahead and install it:

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
curl -sSL | bash -s stable

Configure ruby for editing the wiki

These steps will configure and install the latest version of ruby MRI via rvm. All gems (modules) are stored in the namespace lineage_wiki and the environment will be configured to allow remote access to GitHub. Once configured, ruby will be installed and the required gems downloaded:

cd lineage_wiki/
echo ruby > .ruby-version
echo lineage_wiki > .ruby-gemset
echo JEKYLL_GITHUB_TOKEN=<insert a github personal access token here> > .ruby-env
echo PAGES_REPO_NWO=LineageOS/lineage_wiki >> .ruby-env
rvm install ruby
cd ../lineage_wiki/
gem install bundler rails
bundle install

Edit the wiki

Each time that you want to edit the wiki, you will need to start a local web server running Jekyll:

source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
cd $LINEAGE_SRC/lineage_wiki/
bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental

At this point you should be able to view the local Jekyll server.